Using What I Have To Their Full Potential

Kevin Shan
6 min readFeb 3, 2020
Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash

I talked a lot about this during all my posts on being resourceful, but I want to add on some more especially regarding cutting expenses.

Today’s post ties in with having a mind of abundance.

Recently, I’ve been instilling the belief into myself saying that I am more than enough and that I have everything I need to succeed.

It’s very true.

I have much more than what I really need to succeed in all areas of my life.

Sport, business, academics, etc.

Let’s talk about my online businesses and making money online.

For the longest time, I was looking for ways to make money online. I did surveys, I downloaded apps, and I looked into things like binary options and stuff.

I usually gave up on whatever I was trying to do when I was younger.

In middle school, I really wanted a new computer so I could play games smoothly.

I made a deal with my parents. I will draft 5 AutoCAD drawings for my dad and they will buy me new computer parts.

During my persuasion, I also started talking about how I could easily pay off the computer.

Once I got a powerful computer, I could spend time doing 3D modeling or making…



Kevin Shan

Stock market analyst and athlete, writing about investing, self-improvement, and more. Subscribe to me here: